Latinamerican and the
Caribbean Youth Group

Next events


January 20



The call to act is now!

Grulac Junior is a network of young people from Latin America and the Caribbean focused on providing transformative actions and forming leaders aware of their situation in the region and the world. It is a working, discussion, negotiation and preparation group for the active participation of young people in United Nations conferences related to the environment and sustainable development.

After this time of crisis we young people must recover but also the planet requires attention and action in order to learn from what has been lost and to adapt to the new planetary circumstances.

Therefore our motto this year is: “Beyond the problem we are also the solution: action and urgent change from the youth of the region”.



The purpose of the Jaguares group is to create the next generation of GRULAC Junior. Jaguares are committed to making the world a better place. They learn about the environment, are positive, and take action. The programming for this group centers around water issues, paramos, and biodiversity.



The role and relevance of youth voices in shaping the future of the global biodiversity agenda are increasingly being recognized by multilateral processes, including the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD). GRULAC Fellows aims to amplify this voice by creating ongoing discussions and knowledge sharing and research opportunities.



To invite the youth of Latin America and the Caribbean to discuss, join and actively participate in the construction of new proposals within the framework of the United Nations agenda that makes it possible to take care of the planet and all living beings that inhabit it.

In this sense, our goal is simply to act in favor of the Planet. We want to do this with very clear points: transforming languages, moving society, conserving biodiversity, achieving social equity and walking towards the goals of sustainable development; the element that summons us to face these challenges is climate change and its devastating effects, what is the commitment? The answer must be forceful, as stated by the United Nations: act and act now!


How does it work?


Each year GRULAC Junior has a central theme. Around this central theme, seven commissions are formed, some of them in Spanish and others in English. Each commission establishes its own agenda for discussion, for which each delegation has prepared case studies, experiences, practices or problems specific to the region. At the end of the sessions, each commission issues a manifesto on which a general agreement will be built.

In addition to the sessions of the commissions and the assembly, during the summit there are conferences, discussions and other activities, some of which take place simultaneously. Teachers accompanying the groups will also be able to participate in an agenda for them.

Other recreational and cultural spaces in which the visiting delegations can participate with prior registration.


Upcoming Events



GRULAC Junior annual meeting


Dates: May 2 – 6, 2022

Modality: Virtual

Eco-innovation as a path to Sustainable Development

Dr. Balakrisha Pisupati, UN Environment Program

Date: May 7
10:00 a.m.
Modality: Virtual

Global Call for Creative Ideas


Dates: Jan. 22 – May 31

Modality: Virtual


Opening Panelist:  Yaneth Giha Tovar, Minister of Education

We are happy to announce that Yaneth Giha Tovar, Colombia’s Minister of Education will attend this year’s GRULAC Junior meeting. This is particularly interesting for youth that are registered in the Education commission because Minister Giha´s unique background also...

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